Cathedral, an evening with Arvo Pärt

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam
Tue 18 Feb ’25 20:00 - 21:15
A disorienting world full of digital technologies
Tue 18 Feb ’25
20:00 - 21:15
  • Tue 18 Feb ’25
    20:00 - 21:15
    Hertog Jan Zaal
    Past event

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam revives the successful production Cathedral, an evening with Arvo Pärt by Spanish dance and theater maker Marcos Morau.

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam revives the successful production Cathedral, an evening with Arvo Pärt by Spanish dance and theater maker Marcos Morau.

With a fusion of artistic disciplines, striking design, and an inventive movement language, Morau is one of the leading dance artists in the European theater world. Cathedral presents a world where life is dominated by digital technologies, and where we are increasingly losing connection with one another. Set to the mystical music of Arvo Pärt, Morau and the dancers explore what makes us human and our relationship with nature. Morau and his team of Spanish artists create a retro-futuristic stage design featuring large-scale video projections.

In this disorienting world, Arvo Pärt’s music offers an oasis of tranquility. Theatrical costumes, inspired by contemporary fashion, play a key role in the visual design. The encounter with a towering meteor on stage marks the enigmatic beginning of this extraordinary dance performance.

Press reviews on Cathedral, an evening with Arvo Pärt:
“Dance by rising star Marcos Morau set to music by Arvo Pärt: a remarkable combination with powerful impact. Cathedral is an intense and eerily consistent choreography. Morau creates a bizarre, futuristic world without logic but full of imagination.” (Volkskrant ★★★★)
"The movement language is surprisingly grounded, with a beautiful melancholic undertone, superbly brought to life by the Scapino dancers. Cathedral evokes strong associations with Stanley Kubrick’s film 2001: A Space Odyssey.” (Trouw ★★★★)
"From the very first moment, you are swept away in wonder. (…) It is incredibly beautiful." – Musicalnieuws
"The group pieces, where everyone moves as a single, synchronized machine, are mesmerizing." – Movement Exposed

  • Free introduction at 19:15

“Met hun tot op de vingerkootjes gefragmenteerde lijf bewegen de twaalf dansers van Scapino virtuoos.” ★★★★



Regie Marcos Morau Choreografie Marcos Morau & Lorena Nogal Muziek Arvo Pärt

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