Hooray for humanity
Fri 6 Dec ’2420:00Kameleon
Tom celebrates the universal joy of humour with his stand-up comedy. It transcends borders and builds bridges between different groups of people. His show is a brilliant fusion of cultural insights, travel stories and sharp humour. He takes you on a journey to the corners of the world and shares his witty observations on international cultures and everyday life with a warmth and charm that makes him unique. ‘Hooray for humanity’! A true comedy legend.
About Tom Rhodes
Tom Rhodes (1967) is an American comedian, actor, presenter and travel writer. When the American Comedy Central started in the early 90s, Tom was the first comedian they signed -a wonderful start to his career. He was later the star of NBC’s ‘Mr. Rhodes’. In The Netherlands we know Tom as the face of the ‘Kevin Masters Show starring Tom Rhodes’; the English late night talk show on Yorin Television, in which he interviews famous Dutch people in a hilarious way. Moreover he became famous as a presenter at Yorin Travel (RTL Travel). In addition to his podcast ‘Tom Rhodes Smart Camp’, Tom writes for the Huffington Post and is often publishing documents of his journeys on his YouTube page. He has released four comedy albums, of which ‘Around the World’ is his most recent.
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