Club Guy & Roni Invites: Barnaby Booth + Lunatics & Poets

Club Guy & Roni
Wed 23 Apr ’25 20:30 - 21:50
Beings That Count | Kaputt in Hollywood
Wed 23 Apr ’25
20:30 - 21:50
  • Wed 23 Apr ’25
    20:30 - 21:50
    Pauze 21:00
    Locatie: Natlab - Podiumzaal (Kastanjelaan 500)

This time, choreographers Barnaby Booth and the duo Lunatics & Poets take center stage. Barnaby is an award-winning choreographer and lighting designer. Lunatics & Poets connect various disciplines and initiate a diverse dialogue, earning multiple awards for their work.

Club Guy & Roni presents a double bill (two performances in one evening) featuring choreographers Barnaby Booth and the duo Lunatics & Poets (Anna Jacobs and Hanna van der Meer). Both have previously created work for Club Guy & Roni.

Beings That Count by Barnaby Booth
In a small village on the edge of reality, doomsday scenarios bubble to the surface. Despite the pronounced strangeness and the questions it raises, ultimately there is hope for everything and everyone. Inspired by David Lynch's Twin Peaks and the fiction podcast Welcome to Night Vale, presented as a radio show for the fictional desert town of Night Vale, reporting on the strange events that take place there, Barnaby Booth creates a hopeful, humorous dance performance in which dramatic characters encounter themselves as abstract versions of their own inner motivations.

Kaputt in Hollywood by Lunatics & Poets 
In their new performance Kaputt in Hollywood, they explore the fascinating world of desire and build on the cinematic character and non-narrative use of text from their previous work Postcards from a Better Place from 2022. Anna and Hanna: "We are currently exploring the fascinating world of desire as the starting point for our next theater piece. Inspired by the lyrics of Nick Cave and the mix of existing and newly composed music, we create a poetic story. With transformative set and costume design, we transport the audience into a different world. (In addition to dance, we have a background in fashion which plays an important role in the visual elements of the performance)."

Club Guy & Roni invites choreographers with whom it feels a connection to create new work. This is in line with the dance company's mission to support, guide, and promote creators to a wider audience.

  • Each piece, Beings that Count and Kaputt in Hollywood, lasts 30 minutes and there is a 20-minute intermission between the performances.
  • Excl. consumption

Over Barnaby Booth

Barnaby is een bekroond choreograaf en lichtontwerper. Afgestudeerd aan de Northern School of Contemporary Dance en de Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (SEAD), won hij een aantal prijzen op het Stuttgart International Solo Festival en op het Gdanski festival tanca in Polen in 2017. Van daaruit voltooide hij wereldwijd succesvolle opdrachten, met name voor de English National Opera, en werd hij geassocieerd artiest van TRAK Dance Ensemble (Oostenrijk). Barnaby Booth maakte in 2023 de Paradehit ‘Like a Prayer’, waarover de Volkskrant schreef: “Choreograaf Barnaby Booth creëert enkele magistrale momenten in Like a Prayer, waarin hij intergenerationele trauma’s binnen families onderzoekt.”

Over Lunatics & Poets 

Lunatics & Poets verbindt verschillende disciplines en initieert hiermee een diverse dialoog. Hun werk won al meerdere prijzen. Het duet I am a poem, there is no way out won er zelfs drie: de Club Guy & Roni partner award tijdens RIDCC (2018), de Golden Butterfly Award Dance Fest (2019) en de eerste prijs op Festival10Sentidos Valencia (2020). In ‘Postcards from a better place’  dat ze in 2022 voor Club Giuy & Roni Invites maakten belichten ze de donkere kant van de mens. Van ogenschijnlijk kinderspel tot aan openlijk geweld, het is de innerlijke duisternis die ons confronteert met onomkeerbare daden, schaamte en schuld. De voorstelling is een poëtisch portret van de schaduwzijde die ons tegelijk menselijk maakt. De Theaterkrant schreef erover: “Beeld, geluid en beweging vormen een fraai samengesmolten drie-eenheid die vanaf de openingsscène tot de laatste seconde intrigeert.”


Choreografie Barnaby Booth / Anna Jacobs en Hanna van der Meer Cast Poetic Disasters Club 2025 e.a. Curator Roni Haver  

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