Tipping Point
Fri 22 Nov ’2420:30 - 21:30Locatie: Natlab - Podiumzaal (Kastanjelaan 500)
"Panama Pictures evokes a world where movement and music need no words. This creates an exciting quest that keeps you on the edge of your seat as viewer and listener. "
About Panama Pictures
Panama Pictures makes sensory theatre with a very powerful, sometimes downright spectacular yet refined movement language, in which dance and acrobatics merge as a matter of course. Choreographer Pia Meuthen translates literary and philosophical inspirations into poetic images and manages to touch her spectators with the human feel of it all. She shows worlds that are recognisable to the spectator but also always leave room for own interpretation.
In Panama Pictures' work, the movement enters into a challenging dialogue with architectural sets. The objects and spaces created by permanent designer Sammy van den Heuvel not only define the atmosphere but also challenge, hinder and motivate the performers, who use them to push the boundaries of what is possible. As a spectator, you feel the impact of the movements and the risk the performers take. Something is at stake here.
With Panama Pictures, award-winning choreographer Pia Meuthen develops an authentic signature: unpolished and raw, where dance, circus and music merge with a natural suppleness. With its cross-border language, Panama Pictures is the pioneer in the Netherlands and a welcome guest abroad.
Co-production of Panama Pictures, LOFFT - DAS Theater (Leipzig) and Strijbos & van Rijswijk Choreography Pia Meuthen Dans en acrobatics Tarek Rammo, Francesco Barba, Davide Bellotta, Fabian Krestel, Arvi Yrjölä, Candela Murillo Music composition Strijbos & van Rijswijk, Davide Bellotta
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