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Teun van den Elzen
Fri 1 Mar ’24 20:30 - 22:00
Fri 1 Mar ’24
20:30 - 22:00
  • Fri 1 Mar ’24
    20:30 - 22:00
    Locatie: Pand P - Grote Zaal

Teun van den Elzen is one of the most exciting new names in Dutch cabaret. He won the Groninger Studenten Cabaret Festival, writes for Dit Was Het Nieuws, is a columnist for Spijkers met Koppen, played at Lowlands and has since graduated cum laude as a political scientist.

His debut performance is about sex and politics. Especially politics. Trust in the government is historically low. And that, according to Teun, is completely justified. So, he really only has one question: what if we were allowed to redesign the Netherlands? Together with the audience, he goes in search of the answer. What does that yield? A flood of razor-sharp jokes. And four stars in the Volkskrant. Need we say more?

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