
De Dansers
Wed 20 Mar ’24 20:30 - 21:25
Wed 20 Mar ’24
20:30 - 21:25
  • Wed 20 Mar ’24
    20:30 - 21:25

In Hush, The Dancers seek solace in dance and music. A hand on your shoulder; a second voice that travels with you wherever you go; a rhythm you can lean into, like in an embrace.

The band of dancers and musicians from the successful performance Shake Shake Shake (2019) have found each other again, this time in the threshold between dance performance and pop concert. Dancers become musicians; musicians become dancers. Delicate guitar structures drive the performers into each other's arms. Swaying bodies enforce the rhythm of the music. Hush is not told through individual performances, but through the meticulous attention and dedication that exists between the performers. The musicians and dancers are there for each other; they support each other. Because in order to carry the world, it helps not to be alone. 

  • Excl. consumption


“Danced with full dedication and sung flawlessly: The Dancers continue to surprise in the Hush dance concert.”

De volkskrant


Concept Guy Corneille, Josephine van Rheenen Choreography Josephine van Rheenen, in collaboration with the performers LIVE music and dance Ruben van Asselt, Guy Corneille, Yoko Haveman, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Wannes De Porre, Hans Vermunt


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