Thu 27 Mar ’2520:30 - 21:45Philipszaal
In (Sur)Render, theater maker and choreographer Alida Dors seeks a 'new us.' By relinquishing the safety of the familiar, the journey delves into surreal mental landscapes, uncovering unforeseen destinations. Who dares to descend into themselves and from there, allow new worlds to emerge?
After the success of Closed Eyes, Alida Dors, along with her dancers and the band HAYP, present (Sur)Render: a new chapter in their artistic journey. It promises to be a complete sensory experience, entrancing dance, exhilarating music, flowing poetry, and dreamlike visuals. Central to it all is the overarching question: how do we move forward as humanity?
(Sur)Render is a bold invitation to unite in action and resonate on a new shared wavelength. Can we dance together?
''(Sur)render’ werkt toe naar een gloedvol, warm en harmonieus toekomstvisioen.'' ★★★★
Over Alida Dors
Alida Dors is theatermaker, choreograaf en artistiek directeur van Theater Rotterdam. Ze maakt interdisciplinaire dance chronicles met invloeden uit hiphop en moderne dans, zoals Primisi, R.I.O.T., Or Die Trying en The Story of Travis. Vorig seizoen maakte ze Closed Eyes.
Choreografie en concept Alida Dors Dansers Dylan Kuyper, Mark Brui5er, Nathalie Schmidt, Siloé Bouhon, Joseph Simon, Çiğdem Polat, May van Leeuwen Muziek Alvin Lewis, Patrick Mijnals, Jeremiah Owusu Ansah Componist/producer Dylan Kuyper
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