De Barbier van Sevilla

Staatsopera van Moldavie
Sat 9 Mar ’24 20:00 - 22:35
Two men compete for the hand of the beautiful Rosina
Sat 9 Mar ’24
20:00 - 22:35
  • Sat 9 Mar ’24
    20:00 - 22:35
    Pauze 21:25
    Hertog Jan Zaal

Perhaps the most well-known operatic aria there is: the famous aria from the Barbier van Sevilla. Rossini wrote this hilarious opera at a very young age, in which two men compete for the hand of the beautiful Rosina. The music still dances and excites and has not lost any of its power. With just a little imagination, you can hear Rossini chuckling in the background, sometimes even laughing out loud. If music can still fascinate and entertain people worldwide after more than 200 years, then that is already a special quality in itself.

English above it.]

The music still dances and excites and has not lost any of its power. With just a little imagination, you can hear Rossini chuckling in the background, sometimes even laughing out loud. If music can still fascinate and entertain people worldwide after more than 200 years, then that is already a special quality in itself.

This performance is being presented by the National Opera of Moldavia, a small country on the outer border of Europe, but one with an impressive operatic tradition. Located in the old center of Chisinau, the company has built up a large repertoire of beautiful, traditionally designed opera productions.

  • With free introduction at 7:15 pm

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