Blauwbaards Burcht

Opera Zuid
Thu 7 Nov ’24 20:00 - 21:00
Hoe ver reiken de grenzen van liefde, geheimen en verlangens?
Thu 7 Nov ’24
20:00 - 21:00
  • Thu 7 Nov ’24
    20:00 - 21:00
    Hertog Jan Zaal

Blauwbaards Burcht is a psychological thriller about how much truth love can bear. The opera tells the story of Judith, who marries the mysterious Bluebeard (Blauwbaard). In her desire to know him, she cannot restrain her curiosity. The overwhelming music, in which Hungarian composer Béla Bartók masterfully unleashes the full range of the orchestra, does the rest.

Bluebeard brings his newfound love to his dark castle. Here, Judith discovers seven sealed doors. Despite warnings not to proceed, she insists on opening all the doors to uncover Bluebeard's hidden chambers. Behind each door, she finds gruesome secrets about Bluebeard and his past. Can Judith's light dispel the darkness within Bluebeard's castle? Enter Bluebeard's Castle in an intriguing adventure filled with mystery, passion, and hidden secrets.

Internationally acclaimed singers Thomas Oliemans and Deirdre Angenent make their debut with Opera Zuid as Duke Bluebeard and Judith.

Director Kenza Koutchoukali previously directed Bluebeard with the National Youth Orchestra (NJO) and now immerses herself once again in this psychological drama: “This story is about a relationship between two people. About getting to know each other, wanting to know everything about one another, and how that can lead to revealing parts of yourself you'd rather keep hidden from the other, maybe even from yourself. The castle represents who Bluebeard is. So, for me, the doors Judith opens symbolize the opening of Bluebeard’s soul."

Majestic music by Bartók
The dark and intriguing story of Bluebeard and Judith is enhanced by Bartók’s music, one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. In Blauwbaards Burcht, he masterfully combines elements of folk music with an enchantingly rich harmonic language. He uses the orchestra as a powerful instrument to underscore the emotional depth of the story.

  • Sung in Hungarian with Dutch and English surtitles
  • It is possible to follow the introduction in English. Please sign up here. 


Cast Thomas Oliemans, Deirdre Angenent, Orkest Philzuid Muzikale leiding Duncan Ward Regie Kenza Koutchoukali Coproductie Opera Zuid en Philzuid


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