Secundary education

Introduce your students to theater

Are you looking for an active approach to a day of culture in Eindhoven? Planning a visit to a performance and needing some additional support? Wanting to introduce your students to (Park)theater in an unforgettable way? There are a variety of 'stepping stones' for entering the world of theater, taking into account age, background and education. We offer something for everyone -- in terms of performances, but also in terms of additional support such as workshops and educational materials.

If you would like to discuss this further, or if you have a particular wish, we would like to hear from you.

Call Jantine        E-mail Jantine       


12 to 15 years old
Identity, mimicking, temptation, feeling different, switching off, youth culture – these are themes that may arise in youth performances. The themes are often in response to current topics or things that are nowadays being used, read or seen by young people. What is in today might be out tomorrow.

15 to 18 years old
Young people in this age category are generally also welcome at our performances for adults.

Season 21/22

We have made a selection from our program specifically for secondary education and MBO students. Our offers is suitable for the subjects CKV or Art, but frequently also overlaps with subjects such as Social Studies, Citizenship Education, History or Modern Foreign Languages.
If you are specifically looking for a performance related to the dimensions of CKV, certain themes, or for a special group of students, we are happy to help you find the right performance.

Reservations can be made online via the teacher order form. Based on the number of orders per performance, we will let you know if the performance will take place.

The following is useful to know in this time of Corona:

  • There is adapted capacity in the halls
  • For a number of performances, we expect more students, and the capacity can be slightly increased because students up to the age of 18 do not have to keep a set distance from each other.
  • For a number of performances, there is an option to perform them twice a day, for example at the end of the afternoon and the beginning of the evening.
  • The program consists of more solo performances in dance and theater, and fewer shows and musicals.
  • The spring program will be announced in the autumn.
  • You may notice that there is no cabaret in the selection. You are welcome to attend such selections, but this must be done in consultation with the artist.
  • CJP has decided to extend the culture card budget for the 19/20 season until the end of October 2021, provided that as a school you participate again with a culture card in the coming school year. You can read more about this on the CJP website.
  • We have taken educational budgets into account as much as possible, however there are no special student prices this season.
  • We adhere to the RIVM rules and we use the protocol of the VSCD (trade association for theaters). Read more about the safety measures in the Parktheater.
  • With a group visit, we ensure that you are assigned a meeting place in the theater. This process will ensure that no congestion occurs.

One thing is certain for us: we are striving to provide a great live experience!

Performances 21/22 Secondary Education

Voorstellingen 24/25: geschikt voor HAVO/VWO*

*Alan the AI actor en Duizend aanslagen op de Obama's zijn alleen voor VWO 

Nieuw: Actieve workshops en backstage tour


Backstage mystery

Ontdek het theater tijdens een spannend spel! Backstage mystery is een rondleiding - maar dan anders - door het Parktheater. Speciaal voor VO leerlingen klas 1 t/m 3. Terwijl je bezig bent met een spannend spel leer het Parktheater kennen en kom dingen te weten over theater in het algemeen. 

Theatertechniek - de magie van theater

Samen met de workshopleider onderzoek je wat de verschillende effecten zijn van licht en geluid op het toneel. Hoe maak je een scène spannend? Welke muziek of welk licht heb je dan nodig? Hoe maak je een scène komisch of romantisch?

Backstage! Theatertechniek & grime

Tijdens deze combinatie workshop gaan leerlingen deelnemen aan twee workshops die beiden gaan over het maken van theater en een mooie aanvulling zijn op elkaar. De workshop theatertechniek en workshop grime geven een mooi beeld van wat er zich backstage in het theater afspeelt!

Welkom in het theater

Naar het theater gaan, hoe doe je dat? Bereid je leerlingen voor op een theaterbezoek met het educatie instructiefilmpje over hoe je je gedraagt bij het bezoek aan het theater.