Tomaatje op je neus
Sat 28 Dec ’2415:00Locatie: Arno’s Theater, Kalverstraat 11, Eindhoven
A cheerful little man 'conjures' music out of the children's noses and ears. That is the start of fifty wonderful minutes in which Arno Huibers and his music buddy Paul van der Heijden turn the world upside down. With simple attributes, he puts on the most wonderful acts. Arno juggles tomatoes, honks with children's muscles, struggles with the accordion, and how do you play it anyway? He blows out a candle, which 'pop' ends up on his head and burns normally again. How can it be, that you have a broomstick and that it is a living doll and that it falls in love with your mother. Oh yes, you play the accordion with the tip of your tongue.
Of course, we won't tell you everything now, but let's just say this: theater can be so much fun with a tomato on your nose. You might as well just call Arno a clown. Oh yes, of course you can join in making music or sit in a life-size bubble. And afterwards you can have your picture taken in a life-size bubble!
- excludes (intermission) beverage
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