Rogier Bak

International Comedy
Wonka Comedy Festival
Sun 1 Jun ’25 19:30
Literally, the only Dutch person in the world who wishes he were American
Sun 1 Jun ’25

Rogier Bak is a comedian from Amsterdam. He is Dutch, but has worked incredibly hard to make sure you could never tell. 

Having spent his formative years in the US, he feels like a foreigner in his home country. He’s the first Dutch comedian to exploit cultural identity crisis for personal gain, and there’s a very realistic chance that he’s, like, literally, the only Dutch person in the world who wishes he were American.

Tour support for Russell Howard, Tony Woods, Nimesh Patel, Max Amini, and Vittorio Angelone.

From Amsterdam to America and back again, Rogier Bak is a Dutch comedian who feels like a foreigner in his home country. In his riotous debut solo show, Made in USA, Rogier puts his characteristically energetic and engaging style of comedy on full display as he spotlights cultural contradictions, human behavior, and his own coming of age in the land of opportunity.

  • Language: English
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • One drink & coat check included in the ticketprice

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