The Underground

NITE, Club Guy & Roni, HIIIT en Asko|Schönberg
Fri 1 Mar ’24 20:30 - 22:05
A rollercoaster blend of theatre, dance, and music. 
Fri 1 Mar ’24
20:30 - 22:05

What has to happen for you to feel like a mere clown? A fool on the margins. Someone who finally gets their cake but gets it right in the face. The lowest of all life forms. And what has to happen before you’re completely fed up? Not content to be the laughingstock anymore? The Underground is a theatre performance, a concert, and a spectacular musical circus, where humour and tragedy are never far away. This inspiring NITE event is a rollercoaster blend of theatre, dance, and music. 

Guy Weizman has transformed Dostoyevsky’s Notes from the underground into an overwhelming experience. And Rik van den Bos has written a phenomenal and highly topical script, also based on the book, about someone who can’t accept how the world works or abide by its rules. For all his spiritual wealth, he’s forced into the margins of society, in a masterly and often very funny interpretation by Sanne den Hartogh.  
Guy Weizman is a maximalist who uses music, dance, and text to tell stories. Even the costumes from international fashion house Maison the Faux are an integral part of the characters’ personalities. You won’t be able to keep pace with everything that goes on, but no worries, you don’t have to. Just step in and enjoy the ride. 

“Guy Weizman has excelled himself, bringing together Den Hartogh’s fiery monologue, the multifaceted music of Asko|Schönberg and Slagwerk Den Haag, Maison the Faux’ exuberant costumes and Ascon de Nijs’ ingenious set.” De Theaterkrant, critics’ choice 

  • This performance is in English, Dutch, and Russian, with English surtitles. 

“Actor Sanne den Hartogh brings the protagonist Will, who turns his back on everyone and everything, spectacularly to life.”

De Volkskrant


Spel Sanne den Hartogh, Bram De Laere, Tatiana Matveeva, Igor Podsiadly, Michael Zaalman 
 Muzikanten Elsa Le Moigne, Dirge Seçil Kuran, Isa Goldschmeding, Joost Geevers, Niels Meliefste, Noa Eyl, Yanna Pelser Regie Guy Weizman Tekst Rik van den Bos Choreografie Roni Haver Componist Brendan Faegre Kostuums Maison the Faux 

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