A Forsythe Evening

Nederlands Dans Theater
Tue 12 Dec ’23 20:00 - 21:40
Tue 12 Dec ’23
20:00 - 21:40
  • Tue 12 Dec ’23
    Hertog Jan Zaal

After only a short run of performances during COVID-19, Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) is looking forward to re-presenting A Forsythe Evening, which revives NDT's long-standing relationship with choreographer William Forsythe. Forsythe revolutionized the dance world and is known worldwide for his dynamic approach to the art form. His interest in choreographic structures forms the basis of Forsythe's extensive oeuvre: "I keep trying to understand how the term choreography can manifest itself in any circumstance." The works are accompanied by music from Forsythe's regular composer Thom Willems.

Forsythe revolutionized the dance world and is known worldwide for his dynamic approach to the art form. His interest in choreographic structures forms the basis of Forsythe's extensive oeuvre: "I keep trying to understand how the term choreography can manifest itself in any circumstance." The works are accompanied by music from Forsythe's regular composer Thom Willems.

12 N (2021) is an updated version of the existing 'a cappella' quartet N.N.N.N. in which the weight of limbs and their resulting choreographic timings are explored. The acoustic accompaniment comes from the dancers themselves, with all twelve dancers providing audible rhythms and taking joint responsibility to maintain their own musical breathwork. 12 N is a wonderful example of Forsythe's later style, exploring facets of counterpoint resulting from intense interrelationships between the dancers.

Of Any If And (1995) is an intimate and virtuoso duet in which a couple is surrounded by two different forms of language. The first language is a series of enigmatic sentences spoken by two actors at the back of the stage. The second language consists of small panels with text that descend to the stage, with fragments from Lucretius' On the Nature of Things in which he describes the decomposition of a body. This is one of the works Forsythe created after his wife's death in 1994. The duet embodies a forensic intensity, with the dancers' attempts to interweave classical ballet technique with the simultaneous deconstruction of its usual framework.

Despite the dangerous deluge of dancers moving relentlessly around metal tables, One Flat Thing, reproduced (2000) is actually a very purposeful work in Forsythe's exploration of contrapuntal structure. The work consists of the interaction of three organizational systems: numerous individual choreographies, different cues, and complex coordination of movements. Despite the limited space, the maze of tables also offers the possibility to create actions in three layers – above, below and beside the tables.

  • With free introduction at 7:15 pm

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