IK...eh ik

Het Houten Huis & Nordland Visual Theater
STROOM | KinderTheaterWeek
Sun 15 Oct ’23 14:30 - 15:30
Crazy music theater for everyone who occasionally gets stuck
Sun 15 Oct ’23
14:30 - 15:30
  • Sun 15 Oct ’23
    14:30 - 15:30

I've been running into myself too often lately. This morning, I left home on time, but once outdoors, I turned out to be partially still in bed. When I came back in the evening, my left-behind-self had blockaded the door. Through the window, I saw him running through the house. Everything had been turned upside down. The emails from my computer were crammed into the refrigerator, my goldfish were swimming around the houseplants, and my dirty laundry was hanging to dry outside. I saw him quickly slip into a painting on the wall. Now, I'm hiding under the bedcovers, but I know he's watching me…

Two Silver Crickets
IK... eh ik is a musical, visual show about the struggle with both yourself and time. This performance is the winner of two Silver Crickets! Het Houten Huis and Nordland Visual Theater received the prize for 'most impressive youth theater production'. Set designer and builder Douwe Hibma also received an award – a Silver Cricket for 'most impressive stage performance' for the set design of IK... eh ik and his contribution to the set design of Ruimtevlucht.

  • Excludes beverage
  • Children must also be in possession of a ticket

 “Once in a while you see a performance that is so bizarrely good that you would like to recommend it to everyone - even if it says 6+ after the title. IK... eh ik by Het Houten Huis is such a masterpiece." ★★★★★

De volkskrant

Lees het interview waarin regisseur Elien van der Hoek en muzikant/acteur Martin Franke vertellen hoe IK… eh ik tot stand kwam.
Naar het interview

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