Theater Rotterdam | Davy Pieters
Tue 16 Apr ’24 20:30 - 21:55
Fire as a metaphor for our global system and behavior
Tue 16 Apr ’24
20:30 - 21:55
  • Tue 16 Apr ’24
    20:30 - 21:55

Heat is everywhere. It is impossible to escape it, and all resistance of it is in vain. The ever-rising, uncontrollable temperature affects us all. In HEAT, theater maker Davy Pieters zooms in on the influence that climate change has on the relationships within a family. She examines the way behavior, patterns and trauma are passed on from generation to generation, using the family as a metaphor for our society. A colossal fifty-piece choir creates a firestorm of sound. After #CRISPR#, in which the element of water stood central, and Not all is lost, in which the earth was discussed, Pieters now uses fire as a metaphor for our global system and behaviour.

Heat is everywhere. It is impossible to escape it, and all resistance of it is in vain. The ever-rising, uncontrollable temperature affects us all. In HEAT, Davy Pieters examines the way in which behaviors, patterns and trauma are passed on from generation to generation, with the family as a metaphor for our society. A colossal fifty-piece choir creates a conflagration of sound. After CRISPR, where the element water stood central, and Not all is lost, where the earth was discussed, Pieters now uses fire as a metaphor for our global system and behavior.

In this production, Pieters uses performance, scenography and soundscape as a microscope with which she investigates the influence of climate change. In doing so, she zooms in on our collective fears, but also on human hope and resilience for the times ahead.


Concept en regie Davy Pieters Spel Klára Alexová, Gerindo Kartadinata, Ruth Borg, Johanna van Steen, Lucia Meeuwsen, Neele Kamerbeek, Laura Dreyer, Mira Verhoeve, Neslihan Kaymak, Noa Ghazal Zang Lillian Tong, Nina Rompa, Karlijn Hamer, Jules Vermei, Hanqing Zhou, Ishtar Bakhtali Decorontwerp Lena Newton Lichtontwerp Minna Tiikkainen Kostuumontwerp Kasia Mielczarek  Muziek Christiaan Verbeek Muziek & Koorleiding Sterre Konijn Regie-assistent Esmée Begemann Assistent decorontwerp Wael Qadriyeh 

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