
Sun 14 Apr ’24 14:30 - 15:20
A heartwarming nod to anyone who sometimes feels different
Sun 14 Apr ’24
14:30 - 15:20
  • Sun 14 Apr ’24
    14:30 - 15:20

What is actually normal? Are you normal? How can we step out of all those boxes? Theatre maker Loek de Bakker creates a funny and moving performance with live music.

"An ordinary day becomes a party full of colorful, wildly unordinary figures. Suddenly, a hairy blue figure starts hopping around, and the curtains start dancing to the beat. Being different is not a weakness at all. In fact, it might just be a superpower. This performance is inspired by the illustrated poetry book by Ted van Lieshout Wij zijn bijzonder, misschien zijn wij een wonder. Supernormaal is a funny and moving performance with live music that will make you dance in your chair."

From the press:

“Supernormaal is humorous, and the message that adaptive behavior is not always necessary appeals to the imagination.” (Theaterkrant)

By carrying a few simple reversals through to their extreme consequences, Supernormaal  makes you laugh continuously.” (NRC)

  • Excludes beverage
  • Children must also have a ticket.


Regie Loek de Bakker Spel Sam van Hulst, Ziggy Knel, Floyd Koster Kostuumontwerp David Laport Decorontwerp Janne Sterke Lichtontwerp Tim van 't Hof Compositie Jelle Hoekstra Tekstbijdragen Sofie Tseng Inflatable Mano Collette Dramaturgie Martine Manten

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