Lucky Luuk

Meneer Monster
Sun 7 Apr ’24 15:00
A woodwind western spectacle
Sun 7 Apr ’24
15:00 - 15:45

The makers of De Gruffalo and De Waanzinnige Boomhut, among others, have come up with a new family show loosely inspired by the well-known comic series Lucky Luke. 

A lowlands western as an ode to daydreaming and the rich imagination of children at play. In Lucky Luuk, Meneer Monster slowly fades into the wild west. From a magical miniature world, three boys work their way through their imaginations. But they soon run into their own shadow and start shooting wildly in terror. This physical and visual performance is framed by polyphonic western music.

  • Excudes beverage
  • Children must also have a ticket

About Meneer Monster

Meneer Monster is a cool, fresh and idiosyncratic youth theater collective that adapts international youth bestsellers into adult youth performances. The collective creates cartoonish action theater that is bursting with energy and productions that are characterized by their sincere tone and accessibility. Meneer Monster was founded in 2014 by Chris Koopman, Olaf van de Ven and Christiaan Bloem. With their performance De Waanzinnige Boomhut van 13 verdiepingen, they won the Zapp Theater Prize and a VSCD Zilveren Krekel in award 2018. Meneer Monster is known for their performances Over de kleine mol die wil weten wie er op zijn kop gepoept heeft, De Gruffalo, Fantastische Meneer Vos and Rovers.


Cast Olaf van de Ven, Chris Koopman, Freek Nieuwdorp, Christiaan Bloem Direction Job Raaijmakers Set Jan Willem van der Schoot Music Chris Koopman, Joppe Conradi

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