Breakin' Convention

Fri 23 Feb ’24 19:30 - 21:40
The groundbreaking hip-hop festival is back
Fri 23 Feb ’24
19:30 - 21:40
  • Fri 23 Feb ’24
    19:30 - 21:40
    Pauze 20:15

Breakin' Convention, the pioneering London hip-hop festival, is coming back to the Netherlands! Experience spectacular and fiery performances by internationally renowned poppers, lockers, b-boys and b-girls, and discover local talent at this special festival. Jonzi D, the British hip-hop theater legend and artistic director for Breakin' Convention will, of course, be there, and along with DJs, workshops and freestyle sessions, they’ll take over the entire theater. Come along and celebrate the versatility of hip-hop culture! Breakin' Convention is not just a show, but rather a coming together of local and international crews while representing the true elements of hip-hop in each city visited.

Jonzi D, the British hip-hop theater legend and artistic director for Breakin' Convention will, of course, be there, and along with DJs, workshops and freestyle sessions, they’ll take over the entire theater. Come along and celebrate the versatility of hip-hop culture! Breakin' Convention is not just a show, but rather a coming together of local and international crews while representing the true elements of hip-hop in each city visited.


Deze voorstelling is een initiatief vanuit Sadler’s Wells en Luxor Theater Rotterdam.

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