Gezocht: konijn

Maas Theater en Dans
Sat 27 Jan ’24
René Geerlings' new toddler
Sat 27 Jan ’24

Parents. You can't live with them, and you can’t live do without them. Oei oei bevolkingsgroei is a performance about upbringing and persistent role patterns.

Who actually learns from whom, and who wears the trousers/skirt/shorts? An absurdist toddler performance about a couple who is having babies at lightning speed, doesn't really know what to do about it, but can't admit to one another or to themselves that they've lost all control. René Geerlings' physical and wordless work is internationally recognized for its quality, and his works are still touring the world.

Director René Geerlings about Oei oei bevolkingsgroei
“A 3-year-old does not come to the theater alone by bicycle, so it is important to also address parents, brothers and sisters. That's why I think it's important that the work for toddlers is layered and serves all ages. You won't get away with a gnome or a silly story. Strangely enough, I dare to be more political with this target group. In working for the little ones, I say something about how childish adults can be in some situations. Everything starts with the young child, and the sooner the child experiences that the world is absurd, complex and multi-colored, the more curious and playful the child grows up later on. I don't serve them fairy tales, but I do offer them a fat, immersive theater experience with brilliant players, a serious set, and a professional composition. It is a great responsibility to make such a first theater experience.”

  • Excl. intermission beverage

Ludiek miniatuurtheater met letterlijk en figuurlijk een dubbele bodem."

Volkskrant (2011)


Concept, director René Geerlings Cast Henke Tuinstra, Gianni Noten

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