Pinocchio Effect

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam | Cecilia Moisio | Maas Theater en Dans
Thu 18 Jan ’24 and Fri 19 Jan ’24
Dance and theater about something we all do: lie!
Thu 18 Jan ’24
Fri 19 Jan ’24

Dance, theater, live video and revealing performances in a family production for everyone from 10 to 110 years old. Full of humor and seriousness about something we all do -- lie! Why do we lie, and what about? In Pinocchio Effect, the dancers live together as one family in a house full of secret rooms. The family members try to manipulate each other or escape from reality. Slowly their lies and truths come to light, and they show their true natures. Brace yourself for the worst show in the world!

Full of humor and seriousness about something we all do -- lie! Why do we lie, and what about? In Pinocchio Effect, the dancers live together as one family in a house full of secret rooms. The family members try to manipulate each other or escape from reality. Slowly their lies and truths come to light, and they show their true natures. Brace yourself for the worst show in the world!

Pinocchio Effect = When we lie, the tissue in our nose swells, causing it to itch. You can often catch people briefly touching their nose after a lie.

Cecilia Moisio about Pinocchio Effect
“With Pinocchio Effect, I want to show that we all think we are not lying, but that lying is actually human behavior that everyone exhibits. I want to discuss the effects of lying. How, for example, lies from parents can have a major impact on the social-emotional development of children. I also want to talk about the moral question: what is a good lie and what is a bad one? Why shouldn't we lie? Can you lie too much -- for example, when your entire identity is made up? Social media influencers make money with the perfect image; everything looks nice and polished. But can a lie also be positive, something beautiful?”

  • Excl. Beverage
  • Children must also have a ticket


Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Cecilia Moisio, Maas Theater en Dans

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