
Golden Palace
Wed 24 Jan ’24 20:30
An ode to all the lonely women who keep smiling despite everything
Wed 24 Jan ’24
  • Wed 24 Jan ’24
    Locatie: Natlab - Podiumzaal

In 1973 Franz Xaver Kroetz wrote a special play in which there is no speaking: Wunschkonzert.

A woman comes home from work, she watches the news and listens to Wunschkonzert, a radio program that does song requests. What seems like an ordinary evening takes an unexpected turn. Exactly fifty years later, Jessie L'Herminez has staged a visual, absurdly hilarious version about the evening rituals of a woman in 1973 and a woman in 2023: where one loses herself in weaving a tapestry, while the other delves into a self-help podcast about ' being creative alone'. With humor and compassion, the story is told of a woman's life in two different eras. Verzoeknummer is an ode to all the lonely women who keep smiling despite everything.

  • Excluding beverage

About Golden Palace

Golden Palace has been making magical-physical theater about the absurd tragedy of life for more than 20 years and, according to de Volkskrant, the company does this “sharply, humorously and with the eye of an excellent anthropologist”. This season, Jessie L'Herminez is making a performance at Golden Palace as a guest director. Jessie is a talented theater maker who graduated in 2019 from the Directing Training of the ATD in Amsterdam. Since then, she has made a name for herself with performances in comic-grotesque physical acting style. Verzoeknummer will be performed by Lisa and Marie Groothof. Lisa and Marie (daughters of actress Leny Breederveld and actor René Groothof) both studied at the Mime Academy of the Academy of Theater and Dance in Amsterdam. Marie founded Schwalbe Mime Company with her graduating class and also worked with Moniek Merkx, Noël Fischer, Jetse Batelaan, Jakop Ahlbom and Boogaerdt/van der Schoot, among others. Lisa has performed at Golden Palace, Maas, her own company De Leedbewakers and performs in the action film theater hit Knock-Out by Jakop Ahlbom Company.


Cast Lisa and Marie Groothof Directed by Jessie L'Herminez

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