Grease De Hitmusical

William Spaaij, Marjolijn Touw, Esmee Dekker e.a.
Wed 11 Oct ’23 - Sun 15 Oct ’23
Let's go together!
Wed 11 Oct ’23
Sun 15 Oct ’23

The musical Grease is a phenomenon. It is one of the longest-running musicals ever on Broadway, and it became a household name in our country due to the film that played with great success in cinemas 45 years ago.

To celebrate its anniversary, a fresh new version of this musical is coming to theaters. It will be a party for young and old with a cast of 24 talents, a live orchestra and, of course, all the hits.

Grease tells the story of teenagers Danny and Sandy who are unexpectedly reunited, after a whirlwind summer romance, when Sandy transfers to Rydell High for her senior year. Danny soon turns out not to be the sweet boy from summer, but a member of the T-Birds who mainly wants to appear tough around his friends. Sweet Sandy tries to change too and joins the Pink Ladies. A dance competition is supposed to bring the two lovers back together, but for how long? Will they survive the trials of teenage life and find true love again?

Grease guarantees an evening of top entertainment with delectable humor and spectacular dance. You don't want to miss this show. Come and experience it live in the Parktheater. Let's go together!

"Frisse Grease is een onweerstaanbaar ritje" ★★★★



Featuring William Spaaij, Marjolijn Touw, Esmee Dekker, Jonathan Vroege, Joanne Rozal, Maxime Karsten, Cheyenne Latul, Kaylee Peters, Gino Korsel, Jules Avery, Beau Jones and others Script and music Jim Jacobs & Warren Casy Direction Servé Hermans Choreography Daan Wijnands Musical supervision and Arrangements Ad van Dijk Set and costume design Joris van Veldhoven

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