Friends Parktheater Eindhoven

Stichting Vrienden Parktheater Eindhoven is an active club of 500 involved theater lovers. As a member of the Friends you contribute to an exciting and vibrant cultural life in Eindhoven. You learn more about theater and you meet artistic and creative people during the various activities. The board consists of Jan Goverde (chairman), Hans Wouters (treasurer), Els Zonderman (secretary) and Paula Seuntjens (coordinator).


Sunday 17 October 2021
12.00 in Smaaktheater Dertien


During this lunch we will say goodbye to Gabriel van Tiggelen. He has been treasurer on the board of the Friends Parktheater Eindhoven Foundation for 11 years. During this afternoon it will become apparent that both the board and the Friends are very grateful to him for his many years of dedication. We also introduce the current treasurer; Hans Wouters.

As an extra guest we welcome Siegobert Jansen, Food & Beverage Manager, wine and beer expert at the Parktheater. He will initiate us into the world of both drinks. Many will know him as the host of the wine and beer tasting evenings Met de Fles op Tafel.

Given the new measures regarding corona, we are obliged to comply with government rules. This means that we are strictly bound to the maximum of 70 people and that a corona ticket (coronacheck app) is mandatory.

The Foundation is full of plans and ideas and can and wants to continue to offer you many surprising and pleasant meetings in a safe environment in the future.

The Foundation would like to see you again.


Twice a year, all Friends receive the Friends Bulletin with interviews, background information and other fun facts. Here below the most recent bulletins.

October 2019


Membership is € 35 for 2 people at one address per year and € 25 for 1 person per year. When buying a ticket or using the order form in the seasonal brochure, you can indicate that you want to become a Friend. Of course you can also contact us on 040 - 2 11 11 22 or via


Stichting Vrienden Parktheater Eindhoven
Els Zonderman

Theaterpad 1
5615 EN Eindhoven
040 - 2 41 06 46

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