After After

Arno Schuitemaker
nieuwe maan
Tue 7 Jan ’25 20:30
One of the most intriguing creators of the moment
Tue 7 Jan ’25

Choreographer Arno Schuitemaker's hyper-physical performances always make an overwhelming impression and are praised for the inventive forms he creates with themes where the intimate meets the universal. In his latest performance After After, the performers break a lance for the power of the attempt. The stage is their playing space, their body is their instrument, their versatility is their key.        

Arno Schuitemaker found his inspiration in the question posed by the young Italian philosopher Federico Campagna: “How can we help the creation of new worlds out of the ruins of our own?” What happens when a world, say our own, has reached its climax? What can we allow to emerge after that? Is that the opportunity to build a new collective identity?

His contemporary work breaks down boundaries between dance, performance, visual art and club culture. It makes him one of the most intriguing creators of the moment.

About his previous performances
Previous performances by Arno Schuitemaker have received great praise. “Mustsee of the Year” wrote Scenes on 30 Appearances Out of Darkness. The Way You Sound Tonight won the prestigious Swan, the award for most impressive dance production. Arno Schuitemaker is also making significant international headway: his performances have been seen on leading stages in over 30 countries.


Creatie Arno Schuitemaker Performers Jim Buskens, Camilla Bundel, Ashley Ho, Frederik Kaijser, Orla McCarthy, Angelo Petracca en Paolo Yao Dramaturgie: Miguel Angel Melgares en Guy Cools Compositie Aart Strootman Lichtontwerp Jean Kalman Scenografie: Jean Kalman, Arno Schuitemaker Kostuums Saša Kovacevic Productie van SHARP/ArnoSchuitemaker Ondersteund door Fonds Podiumkunsten, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst en Ammodo.

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