Blogs and articles

Here you will regularly find blogs and articles about the Parktheater that inform, inspire, learn or touch something.
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The Parktheater is more than a theater. Content conductor of Parktheater Eindhoven, Loes Barkema, regularly writes on topics that are current in the Parktheater.
A hopeful story about dementia
November 30th 2020
On the roof of the Parktheater, I feel myself rapidly becoming smaller
November, 17th 2020
How scientists in the theater spread knowledge and offer you different perspectives
30 October 2020
September 9, 2020
August 15, 2020
May 26, 2020
How does Parktheater smell without an audience?
March 25, 2020
The consolation of Chekhov
April 29, 2020
Cell phones in the theater hall
February 18, 2020
Looking at each other and the world
January 18, 2020
Süheyla Yalçin is producer of the podcast Fufu & Dadels, editor at the Correspondent and freelance writer.

In the past she rarely went to the theater because many performances didn't really concern her. Now performances are much more diverse: underexposed stories, developed by makers of color, are also given a stage. They are productions that are relevant to a large audience, the Eindhoven audience.

With an intersectional and bi-cultural perspective, she analyzes productions that can be seen in the Parktheater. In her monthly blog series 'Do take this drama personal' she interviews creators, Süheyla describes what creations do to her and gives you a quick, easy list of all the reasons why you should see the piece.
Parktheater Eindhoven invited Vitoria Aquino to be an ambassador for dance performances. She will visit and share with her readers the best performances she has seen and explain why everyone should visit them. You can read her reviews in her blog Vitoria Visits. Vitoria is a Brazilian performing artist based in Eindhoven. She has her diplome in acting and is a dancer at heart. She earned her bachelor in Performing Arts (BR) and her master in Arts-Performing Public Space (NL). Nowadays she's a performer at The Espiral Artistic Collective in Eindhoven. Her blogs are written in English.
January 14, 2020
November 14, 2019
June 13, 2019
April 24, 2019
March 30, 2019
February 26, 2019