Looking for new horizons, new connections and a new story
BrabantKennis is an independent think tank that, in a curious and innovative way, identifies and explores otherwise hidden developments that (will) have an impact on Brabant. Their way of thinking offers the opportunity to see more than you would normally see and encourages you to do things differently by looking at the world differently. Their aim is to inspire regional decision makers in shaping the future, based on knowledge and creativity.

Through its theater programs, the Parktheater also offers different perspectives. Theater makers, using their own realities as a starting point, appeal to imagination, fantasy and creative thinking in a completely different way.

Together, the Parktheater and BrabantKennis have looked beyond their primary roles and have found each other precisely at the intersection of imagination, knowledge and new perspectives. This combination is offering the opportunity to sketch out new horizons, both from the perspective of theater makers and that of knowledge and science


André Kuipers highlights how space travel can no longer be ignored when thinking about the future. In Zeemaal by Sien Vanmaele, you are taken on a sensory journey and the question -- can we save the world from the kitchen? -- is answered. 

Nicole Beutler's dance opera Ginkgo presents a frantic fight for survival delivered through ecstatic dance. Theater company Maria Guerrera gives a refresher course with reis naar de mens (journey to humanity), for those who feel like being among people again after the corona pandemic.


In these Moon lectures, the imagination of theater meets science, and we look for new, utopian future images of hope and connection. Featured speakers are Sander Schimmelpenninck, Heleen de Coninck, Katrien ter Meer and Jurriën Hamer, each giving a Moon lecture. They are inspiring keynote speakers, with science and knowledge as their starting points and theater as the catalyst for imagination and creative thinking. Standing in front of a large, illuminated moon in an otherwise darkened foyer of the Parktheater, these Moon orators will share with their audiences their wish for a better world, and a better Brabant.

Maanrede gemist?

Alle Maanredes van de eerdere edities van Nieuwe Maan zijn opgenomen en terug te kijken op Youtube. Of luister ze via de podcast op Spotify. 

In 2024 gaven Marjan Slob (Denker des Vaderlands), Bart Wernaart (lector Moral Design Strategy, Fontys), Jessica den Outer (milieujurist, auteur Rechten voor de Natuur) en Elisah Pals (klimaatpsycholoog) een Maanrede.
In 2023 gaven Sander Schimmelpenninck, Heleen de Coninck, Katrien ter Meer en Jurriën Hamer een Maanrede.  

Bekijk hier de maanredes         Beluister hier de podcast

Why have the Parktheater and BrabantKennis organized this festival?

Parktheater Eindhoven wants to be more than just a host of performances and more than just a building in the city of Eindhoven. We see it as our task to strengthen, utilize and challenge Eindhoven -- and thus fulfill a leading role in the 'Touchable Society': an inspiring, inclusive, sharing and healing society.

BrabantKennis broadens perspective on the present and connects knowledge with policy. Their vision is that giving meaning to knowledge is essential for the well-being and future of Brabant. That is why they explore the future of Brabant in their own way: in an independent, curious and innovative manner. They stimulate people to think and keep Brabant sharp. They do this from a basic positive attitude, but with a transversal view in order to keep politics, policy and society sharp in Brabant. 

Now, Parktheater and BrabantKennis are joining forces to unite their missions for a strong, future-proof society by hosting a program full of inspiration, wonder, knowledge and new horizons. A joint effort to better understand and strengthen Brabant and Eindhoven. 


Op dinsdag 7 januari vindt de officiële opening van het festival plaats. Een bijzondere avond met een toffe performance van Josse Vessies, een Maanrede van Tila Pronk en de voorstelling After After van Arno Schuitemaker.

18.45 uur – Inloop op de Grote Foyer 
19.00 uur - Openingsperformance Josse Vessies (Grote Foyer) 
19.15 uur - Maanrede door onderzoeker en universitair hoofddocent Tila Pronk (tot 20.00 uur, Grote Foyer)
20.30 uur - Voorstelling After After van Arno Schuitemaker (Philipszaal)
After After toont een wereld in transitie, geïnspireerd door een vraag van een van de meest actuele filosofen, Federico Campagna: “How can we help the creation of new worlds out of the ruins of our own?” Met het oog op de naderende houdbaarheidsdatum van de westerse moderniteit onderneemt After After een zoektocht naar hoe we nieuwe werelden kunnen creëren.